(define (proxy! (url ($pathinfo)) (headers ($headers)))
(case ($method)
(("post") (http-post (url-helper url) (request-post-data/raw ($request)) headers))
(("get") (http-get (url-helper url) headers))
(else (error 'proxy "proxy method ~a not supported" ($method)))))
As we can see, we already have most of the HTTP connection code defined, except we need to ensure all of the custom headers, as well as the user/password credentials are properly retrieved. For that we need to massage the url and the headers.
Filter Out Non-Custom Headers
The first step is to filter out the non-custom headers:
(define (custom-header? header)
(string-ci=? "bzl-" (substring (car header) 0 (max (string-length (car header)) 4))))
(define (convert-header header)
(cons (regexp-replace #px"^bzl-(.+)$" (car header) "\\1")
(cdr header)))
(define (headers->custom-headers headers)
(map convert-header (filter custom-header? header)))
We also want to keep some regular headers such as
and Content-Length
(define (headers->custom-headers headers)
(append (filter (lambda (header)
(or (string-ci=? (car header) "content-type")
(string-ci=? (car header) "content-length")))
(map convert-header (filter custom-header? headers))))
Extract User Credential from URL
In case the user credentials is supplied in
form in the path, we want to extract it and push it onto the headers:
(define (url-helper url)
(cond ((url? url) url)
((string? url) (string->url url))
(else ;; this is based on pathinfo...
(let ((url (string-join url "/")))
;; keep the url query
(set-url-query! url (url-query ($uri)))
(define (url->auth-header url)
;; helper removes the additional \r\n appended by base64-encode
(define (remove-extra-crlf auth)
(substring auth 0 (- (string-length auth) 2)))
(if (not (url-user url))
(cons "Authorization"
(string-append "Basic "
(string->bytes/utf-8 (url-user url)))))))))
And finally we modify
to use the newly generated url & headers:
(define (normalize-url+headers url headers)
(let ((url (url-helper url))
(headers (headers->custom-headers headers)))
(let ((auth (url->auth-header url))) ;; in case the auth info is passed in via url.
(let ((headers (if (not auth) headers
(cons auth headers))))
(values url headers)))))
(define (proxy! (url ($pathinfo)) (headers ($headers)))
(define (helper url headers)
(case ($method)
(("post") (http-post url (request-post-data/raw ($request)) headers))
(("get") (http-get url headers))
(else (error 'proxy "proxy method ~a not supported" ($method)))))
(lambda ()
(normalize-url+headers url headers))
Convert the Responses
Since the
and http-post
returns http-client-response
instead of response/basic
, we'll have to have an adapter to convert from one type to another, and once it's converted, we can handle it the same way as redirect!
to raise the response/basic
(define (http-client-response->response r)
(define (get-content-type r)
(define (helper header)
(if (not header)
#"text/html; charset=utf-8"
(string->bytes/utf-8 (cdr header))))
(helper (assf (lambda (key)
(string-ci=? key "content-type"))
(http-client-response-headers r))))
(define (normalize-headers r)
(map (lambda (kv)
(make-header (string->bytes/utf-8 (car kv))
(string->bytes/utf-8 (cdr kv))))
(http-client-response-headers r)))
(define (make-generator)
(lambda (output)
(let loop ((b (read-bytes 4096 r)))
(cond ((eof-object? b)
(output b)
(loop (read-bytes 4095 r)))))))
(make-response/incremental (http-client-response-code r)
(string->bytes/utf-8 (http-client-response-reason r))
(get-content-type r)
(normalize-headers r)
(define (proxy! (url ($pathinfo)) (headers ($headers)))
(define (helper url headers)
(case ($method)
((post) (http-post url (request-post-data/raw ($request)) headers))
((get) (http-get url headers))
(else (error 'proxy "proxy method ~a not supported" ($method)))))))
(lambda ()
(normalize-url+headers url headers))
Fixing the URL
The code so far almost works, except that since empty strings are stripped from pathinfo, we'll get
instead of http://www.google.com
when we reconstruct the pathinfo into url, so we'll fix that by ensuring an additional empty path is reintroduced:
(define (join-url segments)
(define (helper segments)
(string-join segments "/"))
(cond ((null? segments) (error 'join-url "invalid segments: ~a" segments))
((string-ci=? (car segments) "http:")
(helper (list* (car segments) "" (cdr segments))))
((string-ci=? (car segments) "https:")
(helper (list* (car segments) "" (cdr segments))))
(helper (list* "http:" "" (cdr segments))))))
(define (url-helper url)
(cond ((url? url) url)
((string? url) (string->url url))
(else ;; this is based on pathinfo...
(let ((url (string->url (join-url url))))
;; keep the url query
(set-url-query! url (url-query ($uri)))
(display (format "~a\n" (url->string url)) (current-error-port))
With these it is now easy to add proxy capability into SHP:
;; proxy
Voila - how you can use proxy to wrap around internal or 3rd party web services!
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